Category Archives: Acting

What is Self Taping?

   By: David Wooddell, Barbizon USA One very common theme I hear in my role as an Ambassador is “Well, I don’t live in a major market. How can I audition or even have a chance to audition for projects when my family won’t relocate?”...

Three Tips To Help You Memorize A Script

  By: Kristina Anderson, Barbizon International Remembering things is a critical skill for an actor. Whether you’re working on remembering a script for an audition, practicing a monologue for an acting competition/class, or even memorizing your part for school play, these three tips will...

The Importance of Communication

   By: David Wooddell, Barbizon USA Communication. This is one of the most important skills you can possess while working in the entertainment industry. And this is not dissimilar to many corporate cultures in the modern era. We work in a very fast-paced environment....